Monday, December 12, 2011

Worth Reading; One Reader's Recommendations

The Why, What, and How of Worth Reading; One Reader's Recommendations
I read a lot, and have since I was 4 years old. Therefore, I also read fast. All this reading happens inbetween. In between working 3 different jobs, doing all the usual chores, having a delightful relationship and being both a writer and artist. Oh, yeah, and sleep. So, I'm busy, but theres plenty of time for reading because we make time for what we love. Your brand of busy is probably different from mine, but there's some time for reading in there and I can help you find books worth your time. At least, that's my goal.
All of the books reviewed here are available from the Central Rappahannock Regional Library (Fredericksburg, Va.)and linked to Amazon if I can find the book listed there. All of the reviews are for books I find worthy of sharing. The way I see things, if it isn't worth reading, it isn't worth reviewing!
Books may be new releases or 30 years old (or older, who knows!) If I read it recently and found it good, I'll review it. Books may be Fiction or Non. Most of the reviews will not include a synopsis! Crazy, I know. But that's how it is.
Fiction might be general fiction, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, they might even be geared toward children or young adults. I'll read nearly anything! They are highly unlikely to be filed under 'romance' though they may well have elements of romance. What doesn't?
Non Fiction could be nearly anything. I have no desire to actually build a boat, but I have read several books on how to - I just want to know everything! So I read a wide range of books. If they are written so that they make sense to me, I consider that worth sharing. So one book on quantum physics may be covered, while the next may not. I love the books that expert writes for the layman when they actually manage to speak to the layman!
Not big on most of the 'idiot' type books - I'm actually not an idiot (most of the time), and I don't enjoy being spoken down to. I want a writer who knows vast amounts and can put that knowledge into accessible terms, while presuming that the reader actually possesses a functioning brain. Writers are encouraged to write for readers on an 8th grade reading level. That's okay, as long as they remember that reading level and intelligence level are not the same thing! Plenty of bright people don't read well due to dyslexia, eye conditions, or just lack of practice.
I also want a writer who uses words I don't know. How else will I be exposed to new words? How else will I be exposed to new concepts? I love a writer who occasionally sends me to the dictionary. I am blessed to own a $1 copy of the Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, I like being able to use it. (Yes, One dollar. Thrift stores are marvelous, and even though I tried to convince them to take at least $10, they refused. The patron saint of word lovers was looking out for me that day!)
If it is funny, I'll review it. If it elicits a lot of strong emotion, I'll review it,with the exception of anything that I find too depressing to finish. Life has elements of misery in it, but I'm pretty freeping cheerful, so I tend to wander away from overly maudlin writing.
In short, there isn't a lot I don't read, and I read a lot. My weekly visits to the library net an average of 25 books, most of which are consumed and returned the following week. The more challenging books may stay with me longer, as may those I just haven't bothered with yet, and those that inspired me so much I regret returning them. Some get read several times before they go back, and some get checked out repeatedly, because I find new insights each time I read them. Some will inspire me to veer off into philosophical rants in the middle of a review. I hope you'll forgive that (better, I hope you'll enjoy it!)

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