Saturday, July 5, 2014

Please stop regurgitating Internet Hatred without actually thinking about what you're sharing.

This, in my opinion, is utterly stupid.

Do you get drug tested every month? I don't. I might get drug tested if I cause an accident or am injured, but I don't have to take a drug test in order to receive my paycheck. So the first assumption made here – that people who work have to get drug tested to get paid – is a fallacy. And it goes downhill from there.

No one woke up and said "Hey, let me become an alcoholic today" or " Hey, I think I'll get addicted to this drug". And all the people who want to say "Well, they chose to use that drug" To you I say "Well you chose to eat yourself into poor health, or to smoke, or drink coffee or to use any of the hundreds of legal but addictive substances people consume daily." Maybe we should put every addictive substance on the list.

Further more, who are you (anyone, everyone) who are YOU to judge whatever drove someone to use an addictive substance? You don;t know anything about what that person has been through or what demons they are attempting to silence. Are we going to claim that the child forced into prostitution doesn't deserve to eat just because s/he also happens to be addicted to crack - which was probably the only way s/he could stay semi-sane in that situation? Or tell the war vet who was searching for pain relief and the silencing of nightmares that they can't have food or shelter because they got addicted to some drug?

Florida, Kentucky, Missouri - these are places to point at and ask WTF is wrong with you people? Who are you to judge what others have suffered? Who are you to decide who can eat today and who deserves to sleep out in the cold? You want to say " well I went through X, Y, and Z and I'm not addict..." ? Maybe you haven't come to your personal breaking point yet, but that doesn't make you any better than the person who has broken and is lost in misery. It just makes you luckier. And the fact that you can't see that makes you meaner.

You don't pick and chose who deserves to starve to death, and who deserves a sheltered night's sleep. And if you think doing that makes sense, then you can't complain when the "people" vote to make whether you or your mother or child get to eat contingent upon whether they approve of your variety of mistake.

And finally, what do you think a starving person is going to do? If they can't buy food or shelter, they'll steal to get the money. Same with drugs - so what if they spend their assistance on drugs? Go ahead, deny them food stamps so they can't trade them for drugs. Because when they get desperate enough to commit a crime in order to eat or buy crack or sleep in a warm spot for a night, true 'justice' (read Karma) would let it be your house they rob, your car they jack up and strip for parts, and your wallet they take. Because people are going to fill their needs one way or another. Denying any human being food and shelter is a shit way to live your life. Government assistance needs to be available to every person. Not just the ones you approve of.

(rant not aimed at any one person. I'm just really tired of seeing this piece of hatred spread across the net.)

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