Monday, October 15, 2012

It is time to Reclaim America for the American People

I'm frightened by the number of Americans who don't see what is going on in the Republican Party. They manipulate emotions by pressing heavily on their pet buzzword "socialist". Yet what they are offering is to remove our individual freedoms: the right to vote, the right to have a legally recognized partnership with any consenting adult, the right to choose when and whether you will have children, the right of access to unbiased reporting uncontrolled by the government.

In the name of Corporate Personhood, they've destroyed our banking system by allowing banks to get into credit, and creditors to jack up interest rates over late payments that have nothing to do with the creditor. They allowed sub-prime loans and finance institutions ran wild giving interest only loans to people who did not understand what they were being sold.

In the false name of Voter Fraud, they are stripping 'undesirable' Americans of the right to vote. Undesirable, because those Americans aren't predominately Republican. What makes people think it will stop there? Once they get away with denying one demographic, they'll simply move on to add another and another, until once again it is only rich, white males who are allowed to vote.

In the name of Sanctity of Marriage, they - and many Americans - wish to deny same sex unions the same privileges that man/woman unions receive under the law. What gives anyone the right to say who can marry whom? Didn't we do away with that with Loving vs. Virginia? Are we really willing to go backwards in some weird belief that if Bob and Larry get the same tax breaks Mike and Lisa get, the sky will fall on us?  I wish people would think that forward a bit. How would any of us like it if the government said you can't marry that person because your eyes are different colors or your religion is different, or your ancestors came from different countries? You can't marry at all, because you're not one of Us, you're not good enough.

I can't believe there is a woman in the country who thinks anyone else should have the right to tell her she MUST have children, even if she can't possibly feed them, even if she was raped by her father, even if she is likely to die if she carries a child to term. Yet there apparently are women who believe those things, I can tell because they are supporting the very men who have made those comments in this election. I can tell because every Republican woman in the country did not walk away from the Republican Party. I know they find Democrats abhorrent, but they don't have to become Dems. If we can have a Tea Party, we can have a SHE Party.

It is time to stand up and protect our rights. We are guaranteed freedom of speech so that we cannot be punished for disagreeing with the government. Freedom of the Press, so that our reporters can make certain we know what the government is up to. Do you see either of those?
Much of the media is owned by conglomerates that only allow their version of the news.  When  our elected representatives removed the restrictions that prevented Media conglomerates, they deprived us of multiple viewpoints. When the Bush campaign restricted access to campaign appearances to their chosen few, they denied us freedom of speech. You can disagree with the candidate, but not here. When Bush allowed only approved reported to cover his wars, he denied freedom of the press.

It is time that the American public recognized reality. We have allowed too many rights to be eroded. We no longer have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy.The government doesn't even need to show probably cause, all they have to do is play the 'suspected terrorist' card and they can do whatever they want.  Even something as innocent as forgetting to carry your driver's license can get you placed in the suspect file.

Terrorism and Socialism - those are the strings the puppet masters pull and America dances. Yet hardly anyone seems to be afraid of the true threat - the incessant erosion of our rights. We have:
  • The right to speak freely, whether the government likes it or not, whether anyone likes it or not.
  • The right to truth from the media, without government interference or controll.
  • The right to bear arms. Nothing in that says we shouldn't register those arms or that we should each have enough guns to start our own army. And the right to bear arms isn't the same as the right to use those arms to manipulate others. 
  • The right to chose our own religion or absence thereof. Even Muslims and Satanists and Mormons.
  • The right to a speedy trial. Not the right to a speedy trial unless the government decided you might have terrorist connections.
  • The right to a trial by jury. Not the right to a trial by jury unless the government decided you might be connected to terrorism.
The Constitution also clearly states that just because a specific right isn't mentioned, that does not     mean the right does not exist. If one person in this country has the right to choose their     marriage partner, all persons have that right regardless of how upsetting any other person     might find it.
Starting today, evaluate what the politicians tell you. Fact check the advertisements -all of them, not just the ones on the "other side". Demand truth and transparency from the candidates and the government and if you don't get it, vote against them.

I'm talking to the 37% who don't think they are part of the 47% Romney disparaged. If you have ever had a student loan, a tax refund, an SBA loan, flown on an airplane, traveled on an interstate highway, been protected by an American soldier,or any one of hundreds of other things we take for granted every single day then you have benefitted from government programs. We are ALL the 47% of Americans that Romney denigrates. His defense of that speech was that he was just telling his rich patrons what they wanted to hear. Why does anyone think he's not doing exactly the same thing to the American public?

The argument against Obama seems to be that he hasn't fixed the economy yet. Improvements don't matter - people want back everything they lost and more, and they want it yesterday. Only, how many individuals have managed to fix their own personal financial woes? Why not? Oh, did you say 'it takes time'? And a little cooperation from banks and creditors? Yes it does, for us. For the President it also takes cooperation from Congress and the Senate, and that has been sadly lacking.  So go elect representatives who will put aside partisan bickering and work together to find solutions. You know, people who care about the citizens of this country, not just about getting richer.


  1. I have to agree with you on these topics. Every person should go into this election with eyes and minds wide open. Mine are and I will do everything I can to give our President 4 more years.

  2. I agree with everything that you wrote, eyes, minds & ears wide open. lose any of our rights and we just go back to "white man" rules. I do not want that.
